Cross & Crown Radio - Southern Sympathizing & The Postmillennial Hope - E009

Welcome to Cross & Crown Radio! This week Jason, John, and Jordan address the folks over at CrossPolitic and some of the conclusions that were drawn from the Shepherd’s Conference Q&A; We discuss the problem of “southern sympathizing.” We also whet your postmillennial appetite with some key texts and their application for the issue of history and the future. Thanks for listening!


Racist Quote from John Broadus, Slaveholder, and Founder of Southern Seminary:

"We must not forget that the Negroes differ widely among themselves, having come from different races in Africa, and having had very different relations to the white people while held in slavery, many of them are greatly superior to others in character, but the great mass of them belong to a very low grade of humanity. We have to deal with them as best we can, while a large number of other white people stand off at a distance and scold us. Not a few of our fellow-citizens at the north feel and act very nobly about the matter; but the number is sadly great who do nothing and seem to care nothing but to find fault"

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