COVID-19 and Humility


The radicals on either side, whether they are gnostic conspiracy theory addicts, the folks who think minor inconveniences like a face mask are a sign of the Great Tribulation, fearmongers who fan the flames of paranoia, politicians nipping at the bit to limit civil liberties, or the doomsday false prophets in some sectors of the media who make a profit out of clicks and views, all share in at least one core characteristic; a profound certainty.

I said this months ago and I’ll repeat this now. We don’t know enough about CV-19 to know exactly what’s going on and we also won’t have a clear story of the virus itself, reporting, and statistics for probably a year or two. I haven’t become a medical expert since March, and although I don’t trust everyone the government puts out there as an expert, I see no reason to trust people just because they are taking a contrarian view.

We just don’t know. It’s okay to admit that and admitting that more often would probably do us some good. I know that we have a deep urgency to make sense out of everything, and I know that urgency will often lead us to adopt simplistic and easy solutions far sooner than we should. We take incredibly complex problems and we quickly, and with an air of certainty, apply incredibly uncomplicated solutions. This cheap knowledge and unearned certainty offer a sense of safety and security. Being certain helps us sleep, it makes us look good to our peers, and it, well, helps our egos. But when these incredibly reductionistic narratives and solutions don’t work out, there’s denial and defensiveness. It’s just regular ol’ pride.

Governments fall prey to this thinking not because governments are special, but because governments are made up of humans. Just like you and I, they try to find quick and easy explanations and in doing so, they apply blanket and easy solutions to complex problems. When those blanket solutions don’t make a lot of sense, they don’t correct themselves and make adjustments; instead they pretend that a guy fishing alone is somehow causing people to be at risk. Defying even the most ludicrous regulations is met with police force. It’s pride. And then others do the same thing by just writing off the pandemic altogether or denouncing masks altogether with little thought or care for nuance or anything that may contradict their easy solution. If official numbers go down, then they’re right in their eyes. If official numbers go up, then the numbers aren’t reliable and they’re still right in their own eyes. Their security is attacked so they attack back. It’s pride.

It’s the same dynamic and the same kind of sin. It’s widespread and systemic through nearly every ideological corner. Self-righteous indignation and harsh condemnation of anyone and everyone who doesn’t abide by your strict standards is common. Mocking on both sides is normal. But again, what’s most frequent is this unfounded certainty. I think we could call this prideful certainty a sort of faith—a faith in ourselves and our own tribe.

It’s okay not to know, and it’s also okay to hold a view humbly while resting in Christ for our certainty. Many (not all) medical professionals I’ve read over the last few months have been very clear that we don’t know enough yet and that they’ll make corrections and update the public as they learn more. Knowledge and wisdom bring this level-headed professional humility that is needed within the Christian community.

Christians should speak on this issue, but we should do so humbly. For many this is a very painful, stressful, and difficult time. Community is strained and relationships have been harmed, and on top of that, many have become very ill. We should offer our brothers an extra dose of grace, charity, and patience. Lean into the Gospel and find a Gospel community even amidst this mess of year. Local fellowships are more important than ever (and this doesn’t have to look like a mega church gathering as if nothing is happening).

What isn’t helpful right now is the tribalism and the pride. Beware of the false prophets selling an easy fix (usually literally selling), and beware the doomsday prophets selling you air time and article clicks. We could do without the Covid-19 prophets on either side trumpeting their version of certain revelation.

Look to Christ and walk humbly in the Lord.