Posts tagged macarthur
Filthy Lucre For Thee, But Not For Me: MacArthur and BLM

We have a higher calling than “owning the libs.” We do not get to have special standards for our team. Believers are called to have integrity and judge matters impartially and righteously. It is far too easy for us to judge our side very loosely while judging those we are opposed to very harshly. In other words, it is far too common to have one standard for the conservative and another for the liberal.

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Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, and the sad consequences of the truncated Gospel

Christians keep getting tricked into believing the misguided notion that the most effective gospel presentation is one where we convince the unbeliever that our message of good news won’t upset the present order of the world, but will help the unbeliever escape evil in the world to be whisked away to the mystical land of clouds and harps. We keep believing for some reason that this will allegedly remove obstacles to the acceptance of Christ.

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Thoughts on the Shapiro and MacArthur Interview

I had a difficult time listening through much of it, despite several points of agreement. While I am grateful for a lot of what he says, and that he had an opportunity to share the Gospel clearly with the unbeliever Ben Shapiro, there are several grave concerns with his perspectives. Many people will think that the fact that he shared the Gospel here will outweigh the rest. It does not.

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