Posts tagged federal vision
On Theonomy, Bahnsen, and “Federal Vision”: a response to Dewey Roberts

he Aquila Report ran a post by PCA pastor Dewey Roberts entitled “Theonomy, Bahnsen, and the Federal Vision” with the thesis, “Federal Vision is the natural progression of the principles of theonomy.” This piece is a response to that overly simplistic claim. A follow-up will look further at Theonomy and the uses of the law in Reformed thought.

I was interested by the subtitle of Dewey’s article mainly because such simplistic language often indicates that reasoning of similar nature is to follow, and I feared the worst. I read the piece and ended up bewildered. I can’t remember the last time I read something where the author refuted himself in such a short space and didn’t appear to realize it. So, I feel somewhat good in my bewilderment. I’ll explain more on that in a moment.

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