Incrementalism is Incrementalism: Muscovite Compromise Recap

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A few years ago, Joel McDurmon and I exchanged articles with Douglas Wilson debating the merits of incrementalism in the context of abortion legislation. 

In a few months, Gabe Rench will be discussing so-called “smashmouth incrementalism” with abolitionist and pastor C.R. Cali. This dialogue will take place in Indianapolis at the Abolish Abortion Indiana Conference.

Because we have these articles (newly republished on Lamb’s Reign), there is no need to repeat the same points. However, it would be good to highlight a few key factors in this debate. 

  • Obfuscating definitions

    Throughout this discussion, it wasn’t very easy to keep definitions clear. Though a great deal of effort to establish clarity was made, these definitions were not only discarded; they were ignored. Because of this, the terms of the debate were confused and further clarifications were made again and again. This was unnecessary. We do not need to use the same words, but to ignore our opponents meaning when it was clearly given is a problem. 

  • False distinctions

    Perhaps the core of this discussion was this false distinction between “smashmouth incrementalism” and regular incrementalism. Suffice it to say; smashmouth incrementalism is still incrementalism. Being enthusiastically compromised doesn’t make you less compromised. 

  • Running all the plays

    A common phrase on Moscow blogs and podcasts, “running all the plays” is referring to the Moscow position of supporting abolition bills while at the same time supporting incremental legislation. This fundamentally misunderstands the problem with incrementalism. Running the incremental play (even the “smashmouth” version) is running the football in the wrong direction. It’s a play, but it is intrinsically counterproductive. One of the most common mistakes made by prolifers is in thinking that incrementalism is merely not enough, as opposed to part of the problem. 

In preparation for this discussion coming up in Indiana, and to review some of the most common incremental arguments, take a look at these articles and examine them. Some of the discussion is helpful, while other parts are admittedly frustrating. Either way, I hope and pray that Cali and Gabe's dialogue will be profitable for abolition and the Kingdom of God. Be in prayer for them and the upcoming conference.

-reading list-


Smashmouth Incrementalism


Smashing The Idol Of “Incrementalism”, Even The “Smashmouth” Variety


Smashmouth Incrementalism, Part Dos




“Smashmouth Incrementalism” Is Still Fatal Incrementalism


Smashmouth Incrementalism the Third


Smashmouthing Roe V. Wade’s Arguments For Them
