Posts tagged abolitionism
The Jubilee Year and Abolitionism

If there was a system of permanent slavery in Old Testament Israel -- and clearly there was (Lev. 25:44-46) -- then on what basis can the Christian today maintain that the abolitionists were morally correct in their vision, though not always with their tactics? Are we wiser than God was in the Old Testament? If the Reconstructionists' hermeneutic (principle of interpretation) is correct -- that Old Testament laws are still in force unless abrogated in the New Testament -- then how can we escape the accusation of being defenders of slavery? And if we cannot find such an "escape hatch", then how can anyone take seriously the hermeneutic of the Reconstructionists?

The answer is found in the proper understanding of the jubilee land tenure laws (Lev. 25), in the middle of which the Old Testament's permanent slave laws are found.

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Abolition Bills and Serving Two Masters

What does this teach us? It teaches us that if someone does what they can for good (according to God's Law) with the position or political power available to him, God will judge him according to his actions. God will not judge him or her based on how Godly that government is insofar as that lack of godliness is not dependent on the Christian. God will not judge him or her based on what other people do in that same government. A faithful second in command of all of Egypt is not guilty of the blatant tyranny and idolatry of the government of Egypt. Likewise, a faithful modern State Representative is not guilty of the blatant oppression and idolatry of the US Government. Further, Christians voting for a sold bill of abolition, or voting for a good man, is not "violence" or an endorsement of any kind of injustice. 

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A Covenantal Critique of the Pro-Life Movement

This article intends to offer a spiritual critique of the Pro-Life Movement (PLM) that has fought (not without examples of valor and courage) to bring about an overturning of the Roe v. Wade ruling ever since its inception. Though some of what follows may initially sound harsh, it is not my intention to bring a railing accusation but to help with the process of sharpening iron. I am mindful of the fact that my own rejection of pro-life-ism as a political strategy was not all that long ago.

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Have prolife regulations decreased abortion?

This type of statistic manipulation or incomplete reporting is commonplace in the world of special interest activism. Although many mainstream prolife groups have an appearance of being immune to the dirty tactics of lobbying groups and politics, they are far from innocent and play those games right alongside the worst of them. As the saying goes, there’s lies, damn lies, and statistics. 

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Abolition Is Not About The Abortion Clinics

Abortion will not be abolished merely by shutting down abortion mills. There must be more.

Furthermore, being centered on abortion mills alone is not abolitionism. There must be more.

I do not make these distinctions, nor do I call out faux-abolitionism for the sake of “tribal” loyalty, a misplaced fancy for extreme purity, or the desire to promote a particular brand. I want to maintain and defend the meaning of abolitionism because I believe ideas matter. I believe words matter. I believe that abolitionism matters. I believe abolitionism, properly understood, is found within Scripture. I believe abolitionism is true.

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Is that Gospel provocation or are you just being a jerk?

I don’t believe using signs is always the best tactic. Especially outside of a church building. They can be helpful, but they can also be hurtful. When you hold a sign in that kind of location, you’re starting an uphill fight. You didn’t stumble upon an uphill fight you now need to fight, you chose the uphill fight. You are purposely putting yourself in a very difficult position. That can be okay, and even a good thing, but the difficulty is not automatically a sign of virtue or holiness.

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Smashmouthing Roe v. Wade’s Arguments For Them (Muscovite Compromise Part 3)

This fight will take time. Abortion is the vile fruit of many sins. It’s the endgame of sexual immorality and worship of self. I’m pleased that Douglas Wilson, many of his readers, and many more pro-lifers desire the end of this idolatrous and wicked act. It is an incredibly important topic just based on what’s at stake. Lives. Millions and millions of lives. There’s no dispute there. Because of the importance of the fight, however, how we fight it is also important. This is where the disagreement lies.

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“Smashmouth Incrementalism” is Still Fatal Incrementalism (Muscovite Compromise 2)

Over the last few days both Toby Sumpter (pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, ID) and Douglas Wilson (pastor Christ Church of Moscow, ID) have responded to Joel McDurmon’s and my critique of Wilson’s comments on incrementalism and abolitionism. For the record, the link to the podcast in which Douglas made comments about abolitionism is here, his first “smashmouth incrementalism” article is here, Toby’s response to our critique is here, and Douglas’s response is here.

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Smashing the Idol of “Incrementalism”, even the “smashmouth” variety (Muscovite Compromise Part 1)

As Christian Reconstructionists and abolitionists, Douglas Wilson’s recent article on incrementalism and the so-called “abolish human abortion now” mentality is disconcerting. This is not his first article on “incrementalism,” but it has been some time since he has been this clear in his support for it. In fact, in previous articles, he expressed a need for “hardliners,” though he still advocated for incrementalism.

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