The Most Prolife President Ever, and Why That is Precisely the Problem

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Donald Trump has become widely proclaimed as “the most prolife president ever.” I agree. 

If you spend any amount of time ministering outside of abortion “clinics,” you’ll quickly learn that prolifers get abortions and pay for abortions. So many men I’ve talked to have been “personally” prolife, had sex outside of marriage and then decided to pay for an abortion. All the while, they are still claiming to be prolife. To be clear, these men, who are paying for abortions, are prolife. 

What is prolife?

Webster gives prolife the simple definition of “opposed to abortion.” Webster doesn’t say “all abortions” or what kind of abortions. Only a simple statement of general opposition. Here are some examples of what it means to be prolife. 

Considered to among the most prolife presidents ever, the venerated former Republican President, Ronald Reagan, was opposed to abortion. Reagan, however, had an exception for rape, incest, and the health of the mother

Famous prolife leader, Abby Johnson, is opposed to abortion but is also very much opposed to equal justice for the preborn. Abby Johnson consistently supports regulation bills with various abortion exceptions while failing to support bills that abolish abortion.

National Right to Life, through one of its Vice Presidents, has actively worked against bills that could abolish abortion, while at the same time supporting competing bills that only regulate abortion. 

Many other popular and highly influential prolife organizations either actively endorse abortion exceptions, support legislation that includes exceptions, and/or have set themselves against efforts to pass legislation that would abolish abortion. 

In addition to these large, wealthy, and powerful groups, millions of prolifers also support legislative exceptions or are personally opposed to abortion but also oppose laws criminalizing the act. 

Though many prolifers are faithful and genuine brothers and sisters in Christ, and though they may be consistently opposed to abortion, the Pro-Life Movement as a whole has become known for political compromises, radical ecumenicalism, and pragmatism. The term has become an empty term that could be, and has been many times, used by people actively paying for and getting abortions. It is a term used by those who want abortion to be legal, though they don’t personally want to get an abortion. It is a term used by politicians and lobbyists who support any and every compromise and pragmatic scheme available to them, as long as they appear to be opposed to abortion. Check this article out for an excellent, and short, covenantal critique of the Pro-Life Movement. 

So when President Donald Trump claims to be a Christian and claims to be prolife, but he has a long record of fornication, adulterysexual harassment (at least), and then broke the all time record of Planned Parenhood funding ever (check page 27), I can’t help but agree that he’s prolife. Because being prolife means nothing. Donald Trump supports exceptions, he funds abortion, and he has historically participated in the same sexual objectification of women that helps bring about the desire for abortion. 

Donald Trump is prolife just like the prolife guy at the abortion clinic driving his hookup to the “clinic” and paying for the abortion. Donald Trump is prolife, and that’s precisely the problem.

What Donald Trump is not is an abortion abolitionist.