Posts tagged immigration
5 Terrible "Biblical" Arguments For Border Control

While debating immigration with fellow Christians, I have grown very used to seeing the same bad arguments over and over again. In addition to these five “biblical” reasons to oppose immigration, there is also more abstract reasoning such as common fear and xenophobia. However, out of the attempts to use scripture to justify strict border control, these arguments have been, by far, the most common. 

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Those who will die for their AR-15, but never their neighbor

I have seen hundreds of comments from 2nd Amendment folks telling their friends they would die for their AR-15, while they think a man leaving water in a desert for immigrants is aiding "criminality." And then when abolitionists advocate for a preborn sanctuary for the preborn, we are told that the Supreme Court has already spoken. Do you see the problem, Christian?

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Theonomic Christians in an Age of Immigration Control Socialists

Simply put, the idea that Democrats are for open borders while Republicans are for closed borders is a myth borne out of ignorance and tribalistic non-thinking. Democrats are opposed to Trump, not immigration regulations. Democrats are in favor of strict, highly regulated, massively expensive immigration policies just like Republicans. The Democrats do this while attempting to sound less xenophobic, but their policies are very similar. This is politics, not ethics, and we would do well to not be so naive.

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