Humble Theonomy

We confess a faith that demands humility. There are many different forms of false humility masquerading as a virtue within the church, yet, that does not diminish the command to be humble. In a culture, even a Christian culture that practices an array of false humilities, understanding, and practicing true humility is even more vital.

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Hypocrisy In War

War will never be given the adjective “beautiful” because the very nature of war is one of death and destruction. You won’t find a commander describing the advancement of his army towards the enemy as being the same thing as watching a sunset over the watery horizon. The reason, of course, is because war is the breakdown of the image of God in man, and this is far from alluring. When peace is side-stepped, war is espoused, and when war comes about no one is thinking about flowers and art.

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Biblical Dominion or Seven Mountains Dominion?

The most concerning point of divergence is that the 7MD version does what critics of traditional dominion theology have falsely accused us of doing the whole time: planning to grab the reins of influence through whatever means necessary, usurp the seats of political power, and impose a so-called “theocracy” upon society from the top down with a “whether you like it or not, it’s for your own good” mentality.

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Theonomic Christians in an Age of Immigration Control Socialists

Simply put, the idea that Democrats are for open borders while Republicans are for closed borders is a myth borne out of ignorance and tribalistic non-thinking. Democrats are opposed to Trump, not immigration regulations. Democrats are in favor of strict, highly regulated, massively expensive immigration policies just like Republicans. The Democrats do this while attempting to sound less xenophobic, but their policies are very similar. This is politics, not ethics, and we would do well to not be so naive.

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Is that Gospel provocation or are you just being a jerk?

I don’t believe using signs is always the best tactic. Especially outside of a church building. They can be helpful, but they can also be hurtful. When you hold a sign in that kind of location, you’re starting an uphill fight. You didn’t stumble upon an uphill fight you now need to fight, you chose the uphill fight. You are purposely putting yourself in a very difficult position. That can be okay, and even a good thing, but the difficulty is not automatically a sign of virtue or holiness.

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Ignoring Ethnic Hatred, Disregarding Church Authority, and the Future of Christendom

In one week the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society (MARS) will be hosting their annual Future of Christendom Conference. Regrettably, I cannot have anything to do with this conference or their society. Not because of my preferences, personal judgments, or so on, but because of what God’s Word tells us about having nothing to do with evil men, bad company corrupting, and because I’m called to defend the name of Christ and His Church.

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Ignoring Ethnic Hatred, Disregarding Church Authority, and the Future of Christendom

In one week the Mid-Atlantic Reformation Society (MARS) will be hosting their annual Future of Christendom Conference. Regrettably, I cannot have anything to do with this conference or their society. Not because of my preferences, personal judgments, or so on, but because of what God’s Word tells us about having nothing to do with evil men, bad company corrupting, and because I’m called to defend the name of Christ and His Church.

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Smashmouthing Roe v. Wade’s Arguments For Them (Muscovite Compromise Part 3)

This fight will take time. Abortion is the vile fruit of many sins. It’s the endgame of sexual immorality and worship of self. I’m pleased that Douglas Wilson, many of his readers, and many more pro-lifers desire the end of this idolatrous and wicked act. It is an incredibly important topic just based on what’s at stake. Lives. Millions and millions of lives. There’s no dispute there. Because of the importance of the fight, however, how we fight it is also important. This is where the disagreement lies.

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“Smashmouth Incrementalism” is Still Fatal Incrementalism (Muscovite Compromise 2)

Over the last few days both Toby Sumpter (pastor of Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, ID) and Douglas Wilson (pastor Christ Church of Moscow, ID) have responded to Joel McDurmon’s and my critique of Wilson’s comments on incrementalism and abolitionism. For the record, the link to the podcast in which Douglas made comments about abolitionism is here, his first “smashmouth incrementalism” article is here, Toby’s response to our critique is here, and Douglas’s response is here.

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Smashing the Idol of “Incrementalism”, even the “smashmouth” variety (Muscovite Compromise Part 1)

As Christian Reconstructionists and abolitionists, Douglas Wilson’s recent article on incrementalism and the so-called “abolish human abortion now” mentality is disconcerting. This is not his first article on “incrementalism,” but it has been some time since he has been this clear in his support for it. In fact, in previous articles, he expressed a need for “hardliners,” though he still advocated for incrementalism.

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